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    It is the transfer of hair follicles on the nape and back of the head, which are not prone to baldness, to the openings created by the hair shed on the forehead and head, which are areas prone to baldness.

    Hair Transplant Methods

    Hair transplantation operations are based on a deep-rooted history and are performed with many different methods today in the light of technological developments. These methods may vary depending on the scalp structure of the person to be transplanted and the opening to be transplanted under the supervision of a doctor. With the FUE and DHI techniques developed recently, both postoperative patient complaints are minimized and the success of the operation reaches 100%. You can examine our website in detail for these and other hair transplantation techniques mentioned.

    FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair Transplant Method

    In this technique, first of all, haircut is done. Then, under local anesthesia, hair follicles to be transplanted are taken from the nape area, which is not genetically prone to shedding, with the help of FUE micro motor, without cutting. According to the quality and characteristics of these roots, thin channels are opened and planted one by one in the areas to be transplanted, which were previously planned by the doctor. We recommend and apply this technique in our clinic, since there will be no scar left in the patient after this method and the patient will have a natural appearance after the operation.

    Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Method

    This method can be applied with or without shaving under local anesthesia. For the hair follicles taken from the donor area to be transplanted, channels are opened in the open area with a sapphire tip. The sapphire tip used minimizes the tram given to the transport area. Thus, the transplanted scalp heals faster after transplantation and no scar tissue is formed. There are different sapphire tip sizes for healthy collection of all grafts. We also apply and recommend Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation Method in our clinic because it does not leave a trace and the healing process is faster.

    DHI (Direct Hair Implanation) Hair Transplant Method

    This method can be applied with or without a shave under local anesthesia. It is one of the most advanced hair transplantation methods used today. Using a special device called an implanter pen, grooving and root placement are performed simultaneously without incisions or stitches. For this reason, the vitality and quality of the grafts collected for transplantation are preserved. We also apply and recommend this method in our clinics.

    Hair Transplantation in Women

    Hair loss can also be seen in women due to intense stress, hormonal disorders and genetic factors. In our clinic, hair transplantation is performed for women with various methods according to the preference of the person. If the female patient who will have hair transplantation wants to fill a large area, shaved transplantation is performed, if she wants to fill a relatively small space, unshaven transplantation is performed.

    Beard Transplantation

    Beard transplantation is a procedure that we apply very often after the increasing demand in recent years. Depending on genetic factors, a person may have a sparse beard or a direct corner. Beard transplantation is the transfer of hair follicles taken from the nape area to the cheek and mouth area, where hair follicles are sparse or absent in men. A technique similar to hair transplantation is performed with the FUE method. Local anesthesia is applied during the procedure and there is no pain or scarring after the procedure.

    Eyebrow Transplantation

    Muscles; It can be shed temporarily or permanently depending on stress, bad and heavy make-up and genetic factors. This may cause some aesthetic concerns. In order to overcome these concerns, hair follicles are taken from the nape area and transplanted to the eyebrow area more carefully than hair transplantation. Transplantation should be planned according to the structure of the eyebrow and facial character.


    How long does hair transplantation take?

    Hair transplantation varies depending on the person’s openness and takes an average of 6-8 hours.

    Is there any pain during hair transplantation?

    Local anesthesia is applied before the transplantation starts. After some pain during anesthesia, the person does not feel pain and pain during the operation process.

    Is there any pain after hair transplantation?

    In the first few days after transplantation, the person may feel some pain, especially in the donor area, but our specialist physicians provide all necessary medical support for the patient to lead a comfortable and comfortable life after the operation.

    When can the person return to his daily life after hair transplantation?

    The day after the operation, the person can return to his daily life, but there are situations that need attention.

    What are the conditions to be considered after hair transplantation?

    After the operation, the person should use the drugs approved by our specialist physicians regularly.

    In order not to increase the formation of edema after the operation, the person should be careful not to tilt his head down.

    For the first 2 months, they should avoid sports activities that will cause intense sweating.

    Carrying out personal care and bathing activities in the light of the recommendations of our expert team prevents us from losing the planted and weak hair follicles in the first place.

    What are the eligibility requirements for hair transplantation?

    In order to determine this situation, the hair and skin structure of the person, the areas of opening and the amount and quality of the hair in the donor area are important.

    Who can not have a hair transplant?

    to individuals under the age of 18

    Individuals with advanced diabetes or high blood pressure

    For individuals with burned scalp

    Individuals who do not have enough hair follicles in the donor area

    Are there any risks that will harm the health of the person during or after hair transplantation?

    Since the hair transplant operation is performed under local anesthesia and by our specialist healthcare professionals in a hospital environment, no complications are observed during the operation. After the operation, the transplanted individual is under the follow-up of our expert team for 1 year and constantly supports the individual with medical measures so that no complications occur.

    Can more than one hair transplant be done?

    According to the excess of the person’s patency and the quality of the hair follicles in the donor area, more than one hair transplant can be done to the person. However, if the person is going to undergo a hair transplant operation again after the first operation, a period of 8-12 months should be waited.

    Will there be any scars after the hair transplant operation?

    After the recovery period after the operation, there is no visible scar on the person. Only minor scars can be seen when viewed closely under intense light.

    Which is the most effective method used in hair transplantation?

    FUT method, which is one of the oldest hair transplantation methods, is no longer used and recommended after increasing technological developments and new methods applied. FUE, sapphire FUE and DHI methods, which are more effective methods, are used in our clinic.

    Who are the competent people to perform the hair transplant procedure?

    Hair transplantation should be done by a specialist doctor and health professionals who are experts in the field.

    What is the competent environment for hair transplant operation?

    Since hair transplantation is a surgical intervention, it should be done in a hospital setting.

    What is the permanence of the transplanted hair?

    Since the transplanted hair is taken from the nape area, which is not genetically prone to shedding, it provides a lifetime of permanence.

    How long does it take for the transplanted hair to grow?

    The hair transplanted after the operation first starts to grow after 3 months. After 6 months, the growth intensifies in the person and after 10-12 months, the permanently transplanted hair will come out.

    Does the transplanted hair look natural?

    When the transplanted hair starts to grow after the operation, its appearance is natural and it is not understood whether the person had an operation or not.

    Should a person wait for all his hair to fall out before having a hair transplant?

    After the density of the scalp area decreases by 50%, the person becomes a suitable individual for hair transplantation. If the person delays the operation and the rate of balding increases, the number of hair follicles needed increases.